Our team

Supervisory committee

Modi Emmanuel Abusai

Chairman Audit and Supervisory Committee

Modi Emmanuel Abusai holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) from NKumba University (Uganda) and a Uganda Diploma in Business Studies from Makerere Business School(Uganda).

Lubang Simaya Daga

Secretary Audit and Supervisory Committee and Acting Hon. Secretary of the society

Lubang Simaya Daga holds a Uganda Diploma in Business Studies from Makerere Business School(Uganda)...

Edina Tumalu

Member Audit and Supervisory Committee

Edina Tumalu was elected into the audit and supervisory committee in 2018. She represents Rural-urban SACCO branch

Anyik Chaplain Mogga

Chairman Investment Committee

Anyik is one of the steering committee members in the establishment of Rural- Urban SACCO....