We offer commercial loan, school fees and college loan, agriculture loan, development loan, Boda boda loan and asset acquisition loan.
This loan is offered to individuals or small medium Enterprises(SMEs) to expand their existing business. Maximum repayment period is six (6) months. Interest rate is 3.5% per month
This loan is given for construction of buildings. Maximum repayment period is one year (12 months). Interest rate is at 20% per annum. It is calculated on a straight line basis
This loan is for acquiring assets like land, motor vehicle or motorcycle which are intended for personal use. Maximum repayment period is one year (12 months). Interest rate is charged at 20% per annum on straight line basis
This loan is given to an individual or group of farmers who have already an existing farming activities. Maximum repayment period is nine (9) months for cereals while for vegetables it is six (6) months. Interest rate is charged at 3.5% on straight line method. Agriculture loan receive a grace period of six months for cereals and for vegetables the grace period is three months. During the grace period only the borrower will pay the interest rate while the principle will be paid upon expiry of the grace period in three months’ installment
This is given to companies that have won contract but have no ability to finance them. Maximum repayment period is three months. For loans to be repaid within a period of one month is charged 10% and for loans exceeding one month is charged 15%. Any default on this attract a 5% per month
This loan is given to individuals who have children learning in primary or secondary schools. Maximum repayment period is nine (9) months. Interest rate is charged at 2% per month
This loan is offered to individuals who are pursuing a collage of university course. Maximum repayment period is one year (12) months. Interest rate is 20% per annum.
This loan is given to youth who are engaged in bodaboda riding business. The maximum repayment period is one year (12) months. Interest rate is charged at 20% per annum
This is charged 3.5% per month on straight line